Hamworthy Heating

Sustainability Policy

Policy scope

Effective management and continual improvement of safety, health, environment, quality, energy, carbon reduction, and responsible sourcing is of key importance to the sustained success of our business. We have a single sustainability policy, which is regularly reviewed and communicated to employees, contractors, visitors, key stakeholders and our supply chain to inform and promote wider adoption of responsible practices. As a minimum, we comply with all applicable legal and regulatory requirements. Co-operation in the effective implementation of the policy is a condition of employment, partnership and supply.

Product Innovation

We will ensure continuous business and product innovation by: Engaging with our stakeholders to encourage innovative development of our products, services and manufacturing systems to continually improve our sustainability performance. Informing our customers about the functional, environmental and safety performance of our products. Adopting a systematic and integrated approach. We are committed to achieving the highest standards in complying with ISO 9001, ISO 14001, ISO 45001 and the relevant CE certification marking schemes.

Health and Safety

We will ensure that we provide a safe and healthy place to work by: - Eliminating risk in the workplace through monitoring performance and implementation of best practice. - Developing and implementing action plans to ensure the health, safety and mental wellbeing of our employees. - Committing to the continual improvement of the suitability, adequacy and effectiveness of the occupational health and safety management system.

The Environment

We are committed to monitoring our energy usage and to continuously strive to reduce our impact on the environment. We will continue to reduce our impact on air, land, and water by: - Setting aspect targets to reduce carbon emissions and energy consumption; reducing the use of fossil fuel through efficiency improvements; and using alternative and renewable sources. - Having stringent targets to reduce emissions to air from all our operations. - Seeking to apply the principles of environmental stewardship throughout our operations; managing and restoring our site to ensure land remains of value; - Using water efficiently, recycling where possible and protecting water quality.

Resource use

We will endeavour to conserve natural resources by: - Using resources appropriately and sustainably, - Adopting the waste hierarchy of waste prevention, reuse of materials and recycling, - Developing products that improve the quality and sustainability of the built environment,

Local contribution and CSR

We are committed to making a positive contribution to the communities close to our operations and ensuring transparent communication to all our stakeholders by: - Having a programme of employee volunteering days to work on community projects. - Providing employment, economic activity using local sourcing and local businesses where practical, and building our own business on the basis of responsible practices.

Fairness, inclusion and respect

We will be a fair, respectful and inclusive company, encouraging a culture that values openness and transparency and recognises individual achievement by: - Striving for the fair treatment of all our employees and everyone in our supply chain. - Valuing our workforce and, by recruiting, selecting and developing our employees, contractors and suppliers, to ensure they are appropriately skilled and competent to carry out their roles. - Committing to the consultation and participation of workers and workers’ representatives through formal mechanisms.

Groupe Atlantic UK Sustainability Policy

This policy is kept under continual review and will be formally reviewed annually by the Director and General Manager.


Signed by: Ian Roe, Director & General Manager

29th May 2024


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