World Environment Day
REIMAGINE. RECREATE. RESTORE. This is the theme for World Environment Day on 5th June. So we’re taking a look at what steps we’ve been making at the Groupe Atlantic UK factory to work towards a more sustainable future.
Sourcing our electricity from renewable sources – We’re purchasing all our electricity for manufacturing from renewable sources which have been independently verified as having zero carbon emissions. We’ve also planted 144 trees in Inspired Energy’s Carbon Sequester Woodland Partnership, helping to offset 26 tonnes of CO2
Increasing our green space – We’re increasing the amount of green space on-site and planting more trees around our manufacturing facility. We’ve taken advice from experts as to the type of planting that will be most beneficial to supporting local biodiversity. We’re helping to support initiatives aimed at putting Hull on the map for its reforestation efforts. This is part of the government’s Northern Forest Initiative to plant 50 million trees along the M62 corridor.
Reducing our waste – We’re actively reducing our waste volumes and diverting as much of our waste from landfills as possible. Food waste is sent to the local anaerobic digestion plant where it is broken down in huge dome vessels. The biomethane which is produced in the process is captured and fed into the national gas grid. Any residual liquid is used in fertilisers. General waste that is not recyclable is processed into Refuse Derived Fuel (RDF) and sent to the waste-to-energy plant at Ferrybridge to generate electricity.
Using recycled packaging for our deliveries - All packaging used to pack our floor standing boilers is 100% recyclable. The cardboard used in the packaging is made from at least 70% recycled content and has been sourced sustainably. Cardboard boxes from suppliers are either reused to pack our own products for spares distribution or for internal storage and movement of production and waste materials around the site.