Hamworthy Heating

New pipework kits for space saving Upton boiler

Hamworthy’s popular space saving Upton boiler is now available with improved pipework kits. Taking on board feedback from customers, Hamworthy has made a number of changes including reducing size and weight, and adding eyelets for easier delivery and handling.

The Upton modular vertically stacking boiler is known for its space saving ability – over 1MW output is possible from a one metre squared footprint. To support installation the Upton can come with pipework kits that have a choice of options such as matched boiler pumps and low loss headers with integrated air and dirt separators. The latest improvements to the pipework kit include:

  • Reduced size and clearances

  • Reduced weight

  • Simpler pump installation – now comes with a Wilo Yonos Maxo pump

  • New bracket with eyelets for easier transport and handling with a forklift truck

Andy Dabin, Product Manager for Hamworthy Heating, comments:

“We have worked closely with staff and customers on the new pipework kit design to improve access and handling from transportation to siting in the plant room. The new matched pumps are simpler to install and easier to access for setup. We’re known for our space saving modular boilers and the new pipework kits for the Upton enables the boilers to be installed in smaller plant rooms – packing a lot of power into a small space.”

The Upton boiler is available in 18 models from 98 – 1,046kW output (@50/30°C). The aluminium heat exchanger in the boiler has excellent heat transfer to give up to 97% gross seasonal efficiency. Thanks to the modular stacking design and integrated sequence controls, the 3-boiler stack can modulate at a turndown ratio of 15:1 to ensure you accurately match the heat demand with little or no wasted energy for a highly efficient heating system. The new pipework kits are available for 2-high and 3-high configurations and 3 pipe sizes – DN100, DN150, and DN200. The matched low loss headers come with integrated air and dirt separator saving on the need to purchase and install a separate air and dirt separator to help keep the system clean and maximise use of plant room space.

To find out more about the Upton boiler and new pipework kits click here.


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