Hamworthy sponsor CIBSE Technical Symposium for second year
The Chartered Institute of Building Services Engineers (CIBSE) is again holding their popular Technical Symposium virtually. On 13 – 14th July, engineers are invited to join industry colleagues at the virtual event themed around Engineering the built environment for a new 'normal'.
What is the new normal? The pandemic has had an impact on everyone, and our buildings have to adapt to the changing way we’re using them. The papers presented over the two days of the symposium will explore this and more. Some initial teasers from CIBSE show the following topics being covered:
Responding to the pandemic
Application of IT and artificial intelligence tools
Climate in urban centres
Building simulation
Development of heat networks
As long-term CIBSE Patrons who offer CIBSE-accredited CPD seminars and always stay up to date with industry developments, Hamworthy Heating is proud to be a Silver Sponsor of the event for the second year running.
Sam Boshier, marketing manager for Hamworthy Heating, commented,
“Last year’s virtual event packed a lot into the two days, covering some very interesting topics from fake news to the importance of collaboration. We’re looking forward to being involved again and hearing the papers and case studies that have been submitted. This helps us as a manufacturer to improve our products and knowledge to support the engineers and built environment of the future.”
You can sign up for the event here.